React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries used for building user interfaces. With React, developers can create reusable components that can be used throughout an application. React Hooks were introduced in version 16.8 to provide a way to
Author: Jason Clarke
Building a Responsive Navigation Bar with React
A navigation bar is a crucial component of any website or web application, providing users with easy access to different sections or pages of a site. A responsive navigation bar that adapts to different screen sizes is even more important
Advanced React Patterns: Higher-Order Components and Render Props
React is a popular front-end library for building user interfaces. One of the reasons for its popularity is its flexible and powerful component system. In this article, we will explore two advanced React patterns: Higher-Order Components (HOCs) and Render Props.
5 Best React UI Libraries for Your Next Project
React is an open-source JavaScript library that has been widely adopted in web development for building user interfaces. React UI libraries provide pre-built and customizable UI components that can speed up the development process and ensure consistency in the user
8 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing React Code
React has become one of the most popular front-end libraries for building user interfaces. With its efficient and declarative approach to building UIs, React has revolutionized the way we think about web development. However, as with any technology, there are
How to import Google fonts in your React app
There are a few different ways to import Google fonts into a ReactJS application, but one common method is to use the react-google-fonts library, which makes it easy to use Google fonts in your React components. Here’s an example of
Why Prop Drilling is bad for your React Application
Prop drilling, also known as “prop-chain” or “prop-tunneling,” refers to the practice of passing props down through multiple levels of components in a React application in order to make those props available to a deeply nested component. This can become
Understanding the Virtual Dom
In today’s world of complex web applications, it’s important to understand how the tools we use work under the hood. One such tool is the virtual DOM. The virtual DOM is a lightweight, in-memory representation of the actual DOM that
How to deploy your Single Page Application on Render
Choosing a hosting provider for your Single Page Application is a vital step in ensuring the success of your project. Your hosting provider should be reliable, allow continuous integration via a version control platform such as Github and should allow
Contributing to open-sourced projects
Many times when I bring up contributing to open-sourced projects, some developers treat it as a strange topic or something that they’ve heard of but never attempted. They tend to think along this pattern, “So Jason, you’re telling me that