Guide for Migrating from React Vite.js to Next.js

In the fast-paced world of web development, where frameworks and tools continuously evolve, making informed decisions about your project’s architecture is crucial. React, with its vast ecosystem, offers developers a plethora of options two popular choices are Vite.js and Next.js. If you find yourself contemplating a shift from React Vite.js to Next.js, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the migration process, ensuring a smooth transition and highlighting the key differences between the two frameworks.

Understanding the Differences

Before diving into the migration process, it’s essential to understand the key differences between Vite.js and Next.js. Vite.js is known for its fast development server and zero-config setup, while Next.js focuses on server-side rendering (SSR) and a more opinionated structure. Consider these differences to ensure a smooth transition.

Setting Up a New Next.js Project:

To start the migration, create a new Next.js project using the following command:

This will set up a basic Next.js project with default configurations. You can customize the project structure later to fit your specific needs.

Organizing Your Source Code

Analyze your existing React Vite.js project structure and organize the code accordingly in the new Next.js project. Pay attention to any custom configurations, utility functions, or global styles that need to be transferred.

Copying Dependencies

Review your project’s package.json file in React Vite.js and copy the dependencies into the new Next.js project. Ensure that the versions match, or update them accordingly. Run npm install to install the dependencies.

Transferring Components and Pages

Move your React components and pages into the appropriate directories in the Next.js project. Since Next.js follows a pages-based routing system, ensure that each page is placed in the “pages” directory.

Updating Routing

Review your routing logic in React Vite.js and adjust it to fit Next.js’ file-system-based routing. Update any links and navigation components accordingly.

Handling Assets and Styles

Transfer your assets and stylesheets to the new project. Next.js has built-in support for CSS modules, global styles and various asset types. Adjust your import paths and stylesheets accordingly.

Integrating APIs and Serverless Functions

If your React Vite.js application relies on APIs or serverless functions, migrate them to Next.js API routes. Create a new “api” directory in the project root and follow the conventions outlined in the Next.js documentation for setting up API routes.

Testing and Debugging

Conduct thorough testing of the migrated Next.js project. Pay close attention to error messages, console warnings, and unexpected behaviours. Leverage debugging tools to identify and address any issues that may arise during the testing phase, ensuring the stability and functionality of your application in its new environment.


The migration from React Vite.js to Next.js represents an opportunity to leverage the benefits of server-side rendering and a more structured framework. By following these detailed steps and remaining attentive to the nuances of each framework, developers can successfully transition their projects and continue building robust React applications with the advantages offered by Next.js.