Key: Enter your information in places highlighted in “Italics”.
Creating a new branch:
- git branch “name“
- git branch “name” “version id“
Switching branch:
- git switch “branch name” (this is the preferred method)
- git checkout “branch name“
Rename branch:
- git branch -m “new name“
Renaming a non-head branch:
- git branch -m “old name” “new name“
Tracking branch:
- git checkout — track “branch name“
Deleting branch:
- git branch -d “branch name“
Deleting a branch that has been pushed to a version control platform such as GitHub:
- git push origin –delete “branch name“
Merge branch:
- git merge “branch name you want to merge to current head“
Compare branch:
- git log “branch name” “other branch name“